Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dig If You Will: The Fifty Mix Podcast

Look to your right and you will see -- the link for the new Fifty Mix Podcast! Dear readers, you have been faithfully readin' my words -- now, as a reward, hear the voice. That's right, get down with ol' Fifty aurally. But, before you do, set the mood -- relax, mix yourself some liquid refreshment, put your feet up then let then podcast flow. Is it all you hoped it would be -- or more?


Anonymous said...

Yes, but will you still refer to yourself in the third person in the podcasts?

Laura Hall said...

Wow, you managed to combine, earthworms, mucous, baklava, and a bit of "The Theme from 'Mahogony" in your podcast Great job, Ol' Fiddy!

kaka said...

Just so everyone knows, I was the inspiration for this bohemian rhapsody of screaming howl or Burroughs lunch with a punch. Yeh, baby that's cool.

Bunheadky said...

All I can say is: "the worms crawl in. the worms crawl out. them worms be playing pinochle in you snout." N OW THAT'S COOL!!!

Beth said...

Blue Crew: Is there a mechanism to give old Fiddy extra Blue 2.0 points for this most excellent podcast? It rocks!

Alice said...

I can dig it, man. Heavy.